Sixth Form Handbook


Students are provided with a hard copy of the Sixth Form Handbook at the start of Year 12. It provides them with information about aspects of life in the Sixth Form as well as a guide to academic progress and post-18 plans. Please find the link to the Handbook below:

Sixth Form Handbook 2024 – 25

Standards and Ethos


We expect the highest standards of a Sixth Form student at Richard Hale and in return are sure that you will have a fulfilling time with us. The Sixth Form team, along with all members of our teaching staff, are looking forward to working with you and helping you to fully realise your potential.

Our Sixth Form students are outstanding ambassadors for Richard Hale School and you will have an important role to play in maintaining those standards and the deserved commendations that we regularly receive from those who come into contact with you. Richard Hale Sixth Formers have a responsibility to act in a sensible, thoughtful and considerate way that will be both appreciated and respected by others. You have an invisible badge that says ‘Role Model’ to our younger students: we expect that badge to reflect a ‘Positive Role Model’ at all times.  Consistent with our high expectations we ask you to sign your Sixth Form Code of Conduct to evidence your intention to comply with our rules, procedures and expectations of you.




Academic progress is directly related to attendance. Our expectations are that all of our students achieve a minimum attendance of 96% to registration and lessons. Attendance and punctuality are closely monitored and action taken if either falls below this level. High attendance levels set the tone for the way you tackle your studies and can have a major impact upon your progress. For example, a student arriving 5 minutes late to each lesson in just one subject over the course of a single week would mean the loss of 25 minutes in that week. In an average 12 week term, these missing minutes equate to 5 hours lost which is equivalent to one full week of lessons in that subject. University admission tutors and prospective employers require applicant information; poor attendance and timekeeping could impact the potential offer of a degree/apprenticeship place or part/full-time job.

Wearing your lanyard with your identity badge is a mandatory requirement at all times whilst you are on the School site. In addition, you are required to indicate your daily presence at school by using a thumb scanner immediately upon arrival on site, conveniently situated outside the Sixth Form Office and in the Sixth Form Study Centre in the main school building. Students are required to thumb scan in by 8:44am, leaving them one minute to get to their Form Room or assembly on time. When leaving site, regardless of time, it is essential that you use the thumb scanning equipment to indicate your immediate intention to leave site. You are required to attend all Sixth Form assemblies which are held on Wednesday and/or Friday mornings at 8:44am. Attendance at House assemblies, which are usually held every 3 weeks on Thursdays, is also required. Sixth Form students are permitted to leave the site from 1.25pm to go into town for lunch. If students do not have a lesson Period 5 and have been awarded a Privilege Pass, they may leave the site at 1.25pm to study elsewhere for the rest of the day. If a student does not have a Privilege Pass and doesn’t have a lesson Period 5 they are required to study independently in the Sixth Form Study Centre until 3.20pm.


Sixth Form Dress Code


A high standard of student dress is a clear feature of the Richard Hale Sixth Form; it sets us apart from other schools. RHS Sixth Form students are role models for the rest of the school, and their conduct enhances our reputation in the community. We therefore expect our students to accept willingly the requirement to dress in a way appropriate for a school whose tone is business-like, and whose core purpose is serious academic study.

Lanyards with ID badges must be worn at all times (not in pockets/bags) when in school. Mobile phones and earphones (including Airpods) may only be used outside the school buildings or in the Study Rooms before and after school, at break and lunch times. They may be used in Private Study or lessons with the express permission of a member of staff for an identified task. Mobile phones must be stored within bags/rucksacks during lessons. Students must not store them within jackets, shirts or trousers.


Male Dress Requirements:


  • Suit or jacket and smart trousers with shirt and tie
  • Jackets to be worn at all times around school unless otherwise instructed
  • Shoes to be formal in nature; trainers and canvas shoes are not permitted
  • Plain v-neck jumpers/ fine wool zip-up (small, discreet logos allowed) may be worn as well as, but not in place of, jackets
  • One single modest stud earring in each ear is permitted; tattoos are to be covered at all times
  • Facial hair and hairstyles must be neat and presentable; hair is to be a single natural colour, with no shaved patterns or tramlines. Extremes of hairstyle are not permitted; hair longer than collar length must be in a ponytail at all times
  • Appropriate sportswear is to be worn for Games periods, PE and Rugby Academy lessons, Sports Leaders sessions and fixtures. Student should not come into school in sportswear unless this has been pre-agreed by a staff member.


Female Dress Requirements:


  • Business style suit with jacket, or dress and jacket, suitable for a job interview in an office-based environment
  • Jackets are required to be worn at all times around the school unless otherwise instructed
  • A blouse, shirt or top is to be worn under the jacket; it must not be see-through or low cut either at the front or the back; sleeves may be long or short; ‘strappy’ tops are not permitted and girls need to ensure underwear straps are not visible
  • A jumper may replace the blouse, shirt or top; it must be of a formal nature ie fine knit rather than chunky, open knit
  • Skirts/dresses are required to be of an appropriate length; tight, jersey skirts and dresses (’body-con’) are not permitted
  • Trousers are to be of a formal style and material; leggings, jeggings and jeans are not permitted; girls should be wary of tight fitting trousers sold as ‘business style’
  • Modest earrings, jewellery and one single small nose stud are permitted; tattoos are to be covered at all times; hair is to be neat and tidy and of a natural colour
  • Formal shoes are to be worn; ankle height boots of a formal style may be worn; canvas shoes and trainers are not permitted
  • Appropriate sportswear is to be worn for Games periods, PE and Rugby Academy lessons, Sports Leaders sessions and fixtures.
  • Student should not come into school in sportswear unless this has been pre-agreed by a staff member.


If any aspect of attire is deemed inappropriate, Year Heads or members of SLT will speak to students in the first instance, in order to ensure the dress code is adhered to from the next day onwards; sanctions will be put in place if students continue to fail to meet the standards required. Girls, in particular, tend to interpret the dress code in a variety of ways: our advice to you is to remember you are in school which is a professional environment.

If any aspect of attire is deemed inappropriate by members of the 6th Form Team, Year Heads or members of SLT will speak to students in the first instance, in order to ensure the dress code is adhered to from the next day onwards; sanctions will be put in place if students continue to fail to meet the standards required. Girls, in particular, tend to interpret the dress code in a variety of ways: our advice to you is to remember you are in school which is a professional environment.

In keeping with the rest of the school:

  • Denim or leather clothing, baseball caps, hoodies, trainers and jeans are unacceptable
  • Outdoor coats, hats, scarves and gloves are not to be worn in the school buildings.


Timing of the school day 


08:45                   Tutor period or assembly

09:10                   Lesson 1

10:10                   Lesson 2

11:10                   Morning Break

11:30                   Lesson 3

12:30                   Lesson 4

13:25                   Lunch Break

14:20                   Lesson 5

15:20                   End of day

It is occasionally necessary to conduct a small number of lessons during the lunch break (13:30 – 14:20) which will also include consortium lessons. Should you have a lunch lesson on your timetable, arrangements for lunch will differ (see section on signing in/out).


Private Study


If used effectively, private study time can greatly enhance your academic development and potential.  It is something you will not have had previously in school and helps you to develop the independent skills you will need in life.

During Periods 1 to 4, Year 12 students will be supervised by a member of staff for their private study periods which are undertaken in the Sixth Form Study Centre. Should you require internet access during Study Periods, you can use the computers in the Sixth Form Study room, or the computers in the library when there are no lessons on. If you wish to access the internet in the Sixth Form Study Centre, you are expected to provide your own laptop or tablet.

It is expected that you at least match your taught lesson time with study outside of the classroom, a good proportion of which can be undertaken during your supervised study time in school. It is vital that your time is used effectively. You will receive study skills guidance from your subject teachers on how to plan your work more effectively and this will also be discussed during tutor time. We endeavour to develop the theme of effective study early in the first term in Year 12, looking at how best to maximise your use of study time and how to turn it into effective and appropriate study that enables you to fulfil your potential. Our Sixth Form Study Support Officers work with students daily in both Years 12 and 13 to ensure they maximise the use of this vital aspect of post-16 learning.




You can expect to receive 9 hours of taught lessons per subject every fortnight, usually split between your teachers. You are expected, as a minimum, to match this amount of lesson time outside of the classroom which should be used to complete assignments / homework tasks set by your subject teachers and to conduct independent research and reading of material relevant to your chosen courses. With approximately 20 hours of private study at school each week, the larger component of your work outside the classroom could be achieved in private study, but only if you use your time effectively. Remember, your attainment by the end of Sixth Form will directly reflect the amount of time you have spent on your subjects outside of the classroom, with our very best performers consistently exceeding the minimum required. It is school policy for all assignments / homework tasks to be published on Google Classroom which not only affords task instructions but also provides your teachers the opportunity to post valuable relevant resources. Be sure that you check each of your Google Classrooms on a daily basis.