Parents’ Association
Our Parents’ Association is made up of parents of present pupils of the school and members of staff. Membership is also available to parents of former pupils of the school. The PA raises funds throughout the year to assist in the provision of equipment and facilities for the school, and also provides a social link between parents and school. Fund-raising activities are very successful, both financially and socially, and regularly include quiz nights, dances, barbecues, Christmas bazaars, summer fetes and car boot sales. The PA is, of course, always open to suggestions for new activities!
Parental support via these events in recent years has enabled the PA to purchase two mini buses, colour televisions, food technology equipment, a dishwasher, a video and other smaller items to support the education of the pupils at Richard Hale. It was also able to support the school’s bid for specialist science status with a donation of £10,000. As well as fund-raising, the PA organises a social evening during the Autumn Term to informally welcome the parents of new boys. This has proved to be a well-attended and very successful evening allowing parents, teachers and governors to meet, chat and enjoy a glass or two of wine!
On a practical level, the PA is able to supply a wide range of good-quality used uniform at very reasonable prices. This includes blazers, trousers, shirts and jumpers, rugby shirts, PE vests and cricket gear.
If you require any further information about the Parents’ Association, or wish to join, please email
Fund Raising
EasyFundraising is a site that can be used to raise money for the school every time you shop on-line. Register by clicking the logo above then select the Richard Hale School PTA as your chosen cause. There are thousands of retailers including Amazon, Ebay, M&S, Tescos, Sainsburys, John Lewis etc., and each time you shop the retailer donates an amount to your chosen cause. Please visit this site and use it for all your shopping needs especially as Christmas is just around the corner! All proceeds will be going towards the 2017 goal of raising £1m to fund the new sports hall.