Individual Careers Guidance
We work closely with Hertfordshire Services for Young People (SfYP) to provide one to one careers related guidance to students. These sessions are delivered by trained advisors who are independent from the school and have the technical and practical expertise to ensure students are supported to consider all their options.
All students receive a one to one session during Year 11 to help support them with making their choice and transition to post-16 learning. Students in Year 12 and 13 are also able to access the service and this is operated on a referral basis from the 6th form team. Some students in Year 9 and 10 may also receive individual guidance depending on their specific circumstances.
As part of their session, students receive a tailored action plan to support them in putting into practice the issues discussed. These are followed up by Form Tutors, the Careers Leader, and students can have a follow up session with the advisor if required.
This support is in addition to meetings with Form Tutors, Heads of Year and members of the Senior Leadership Team that students will have when making further study and careers progression decisions at key periods in their school lives notably for GCSE options, post 16 and post 18 choices.