Ofsted visited the school for an inspection on the 9th and 10th July 2024.
We are delighted that Ofsted found that the school continues to be Good, but we are particularly pleased with the report that identifies that, “the school has made significant improvements,” since the last inspection and that it has gone from, “strength to strength.”
The report reflects the improvements in the areas highlighted from the previous inspection with improvements in the curriculum, SEND provision and pupil progress (which are now above national averages and well above national averages for boys). It also recognises the work we have done across the school in a wide range of areas, such as developing further the extra-curricular opportunities, the improvements in the personal development programme as well as improving attendance and changes to the pastoral system to support students.
The report and feedback have provided us with the opportunity to reflect on the work we have done to improve provision at the school. We are really pleased that this has been recognised and now gives us the opportunity to build on this work, continuing to improve the school to provide the best possible learning experience for the students. We are looking forward to continuing this journey.
Some of the highlights from the report are below:
- “Pupils live out the school’s vision of ‘learning with virtue’. They have thoughtful opportunities to develop their character.”
- “Comprehensive pastoral support helps pupils to be safe.”
- “The school’s aim for pupils to respect others is realised. Pupils behave well in and out of lessons. This happens because they build positive relationships with staff.”
- “The school is a happy place to learn and work in.”
- “Pupils reap the rewards of leaders commitment to enhance the curriculum. This commitment results in lessons that feature clear explanations from teachers…..Pupil’s including sixth-form students, gain good knowledge in their subjects and perform highly in national examinations.”
- “Pupils’ experience extend beyond the academic. …. There are extensive extra-curricular opportunities.”
- Sixth form students, including those new to the school, receive high-quality care and education. They benefit from academic and vocational curriculums that are taught well. Students appreciate staff’s expertise and the strong relationships they build with them.”
- “Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported.”
- “The school’s expectations of pupils’ behaviour and attendance are high. The school is successful in in its efforts to ensure attendance is high for many pupils.”
- “There is a strong emphasis on building positive, respectful relationships, Pupils appreciate how staff recognise their successes and efforts to do well.”
- “The school’s personal development curriculum celebrates diversity. Pupils learn about different cultures. Sixth form students serve as role models and mentors.”
- “Leaders accurately identify what the school does well and what could be even better. Trustees offer valuable support and challenge. This has helped the school go from strength to strength.”
- Pupils, parents and staff appreciate clear communication about what is happening and why. This ensures that the school’s actions have the support and trust of it’s community.”
The area for development is also available in the report. Our School Development Plan outlines how we are working towards improving this.
All previous inspection reports for Richard Hale School can be found on the OFSTED website here.