
Student Well-being


Richard Hale School is committed to supporting all students’ well-being, thus enabling them to achieve their personal best as they move throughout school life and into adulthood.

This support includes a strong pastoral team of Form Tutors, Heads of Year, Heads of Key-Stage and Student Welfare Officers. All students are encouraged to talk about any concerns or worries they have in a confidential and caring setting. If staff have any concerns or they feel a student may need added support then the Head of Year and Student Welfare Officer are informed.


Accessing well-being support


  • Join the RHS Mental Health and Well-being Google classroom (code – nxq4th2)

This GC offer lots of practical advice, apps and links to external information.

  • Students can book a 15 minute ‘well-being chat’ with their Head of Year.

This service offers students a chance to book in dedicated time to talk with their HOY. If they need further support and advice, this will be arranged. Timetable for 2022/23 can be found here.

Two dedicated Student Welfare Officers:


Staff are on hand to provide support for all students and inform home where appropriate.

  • PSHE curriculum: Awareness, information and advice regarding issues surrounding mental health and well-being.