Transition and Induction
Every year in June/ July we hold the Richard Hale Sixth Form Induction programme. This allows all students who have been offered a place to experience time at the school as a Sixth Form student. The aim of our highly successful induction course is to help students learn in greater detail, about life in our Sixth Form and help them to make an informed choice about their Post-16 education. It will help to ease the transition to the independent style of Sixth Form life and study. In addition, the programme gives the school the opportunity to welcome into our community, students joining the school for their Sixth Form studies. Our induction continues during the Autumn term, when students undertake ice-breaker and get-to-know-you activities with both students and staff in order to ease the transition as much as possible. We hold a Meet the Tutor event early in the Autumn term for parents to meet their child’s tutor and to find out how the first few weeks have gone.
Before you start your post-16 studies with us, we expect you to have attempted the pre-course assignments listed below, for each subject you are considering taking in the Sixth Form. These tasks will give you an idea of the course content, complexity and question types that you can expect when you start your studies in Year 12. They will also serve to dust off those brain cells that may have become somewhat lazy during the time after your GCSE exams finished!
Over the Summer it is worth taking time to start thinking about your post-18 choices, to make sure that the subjects you are choosing at this time will help you achieve your long term goals. The website contains links to a wide range of advice and guidance about future options and we will explore these in depth with you during Year 12 in preparation for university, apprenticeship and employment applications in the future. Over the coming weeks, we advise you to look at university courses (if you are seriously considering Higher Education study) to see if your current subject choices are suited to the area you hoping to study. Some universities/courses will specify that a particular subject(s) is studied. The UCAS website is full of very useful advice and guidance on a range of areas that you may be considering www.ucas.com. If you are considering work or an apprenticeship, useful websites are www.servicesforyoungpeople.org/careers/
and www.apprenticeshipguide.co.uk/what-are-the-entry-requirements-for-apprenticeships. Above all, when you are making your subject choices, make sure you have a genuine interest and a desire to study them. You may also want to consider how you can develop your own academic work and may decide that an EPQ is an option. This is a highly valuable qualification that enables you to explore your own academic interests in any subject and is great preparation for work at undergraduate level.
Pre-Course assignments 2024
For further information about how to choose your post 16 courses, please click the following link
GCSE Results Day 2024
For students that have applied to our Sixth Form and attended our Induction Days, please see below links for details regarding GCSE Results Day on Thursday 22nd August.
GCSE Results Day Information – Internal Students
Candidate Permission Form – Internal Students
Post Results Services – Internal Students
GCSE Results Day Information – External Students