Boys are expected to wear school uniform correctly to and from school, as well as in school. Any student not in correct uniform must bring a note from his parent to explain why.
The Richard Hale uniform consists of:
- A navy blue blazer with a school badge (NB a different badge is worn in Y11)
- White shirt and school tie, with correct house colour stripe
- Black trousers
- Grey or dark blue v-necked pullover (the tie must be clearly visible)
- Black shoes, formal in style and capable of being polished, ie no logos and not black leather trainers. The school’s decision on suitability is final.
Please note the rules about footwear, hair, jewellery and certain items of clothing in the extract from the School Rules printed in our parents’ handbook.
Most of the uniform can be bought at various outlets. The school tie and badges, however, are available only through Stevensons.
The Parents’ Association is able to supply a wide range of good-quality used uniform and games kit at very reasonable prices. To purchase used uniform, there are sales at various times throughout the year or, if urgent please email parentassoc@richardhale.co.uk to arrange a convenient time to view the uniform.
Please ensure that all uniform and personal property (including bags) is clearly named.
Kit for Physical Education and Games
- blue polo shirt with RHS crest (supplied by Stevensons)
- white shorts / white socks / non-marking trainers
- black/gold reversible RHS games shirt (supplied by Stevensons)
- RHS games socks, ie black with amber tops (supplied by Stevensons)
- black games shorts
- rugby/football boots, with safety studs (kite-marked)
- shin pads – compulsory for school and house matches.
- RHS training tops (optional / supplied by Stevensons (boys are allowed to wear Richard Hale training tops when the weather is cold)
- Only clean, non-marking trainers may be worn in the gymnasium, so any shoes worn for cross-country cannot be worn again for
work in the gymnasium. - Mouthguards are compulsory for rugby fixtures (ie school matches and house matches) and are strongly recommended for rugby and hockey in games lessons. They can be purchased from most sports shops.
- 3G Pitch – Boys must wear clean round studded/moulded boots. Trainers/astroturf boots/bladed boots
cannot be worn.