Last week, the art department was transformed into a vibrant gallery showcasing the stunning creations of our talented A Level and GCSE art students. The annual art exhibition, a much-anticipated event, not only highlights the artistic prowess of our young artists but also reflects their hard work, dedication, and innovative thinking. The exhibition featured an [...]



House Debating – Years 9, 10 and 12  On Wednesday students in years 9, 10 and 12 took part in a house debating competition. This year’s scenario asked students to research and come up with a project that would reduce the carbon footprint of the local area. One student in each house presented the idea, […]



Celebrating Creativity: Highlights from Our House Poetry Competition   Last month, our Library Learning Support Officer, the ever-enthusiastic Ms. Butler-Lewis, organized an exciting house poetry competition for students in years 7-10. The event encouraged students to explore their creativity through poetry, with each year group given a unique theme to inspire their writing.   The […]



On Wednesday after school it was Year 9 and 10’s turn to take on their first house maths competition. They took part in three rounds of increasing difficulty, consisting of logic puzzles without any words, group problem solving questions and even some A Level further maths. All the students seemed to enjoy the challenge and […]



You are cordially invited to our annual Summer Music Concert which is taking place from 6.30pm on Tuesday 9th July. Tickets can be purchase via Wisepay and all proceeds will go to the Richard Hale music department. Refreshments will be available during the interval. We look forward to seeing you at what looks set to […]



Last month, the Geography trip saw 109 Year 10’s descend upon Overstrand as part of their GCSE course. They need to undertake both a human and physical investigation enquiry for their paper 3 exam and the residential trip allows them access to study some excellent locations in Norfolk. Despite some mixed forecasts the weather was […]



Our Open Evenings for Secondary Transfer 2025 will take place on the following dates.  There is no need to book the Open Evenings. Monday 30th September 2024 6.00pm – 8.30pm.  Headteacher’s talk at 8.00pm. Tuesday 1st October 2024 4.00pm – 6.30pm.  Headteacher’s talk at 6.00pm.   Please note there will be limited parking on site.  […]



Year 7 House Tennis 2024 Over the course of the week of 3rd June, year 7 students took part in their first house tennis tournament. They played in a round robin doubles tournament across the week consisting of 1 set per game. To keep tensions high and avoid matches spilling into lesson time a sudden […]



You are cordially invited to our annual Art exhibition showcasing a selection of our GCSE and A level work from this year. This will take place on Tue 9th July from 7pm. If you are attending the Summer concert, you will have the opportunity to visit the exhibition during the interval. The exhibition also runs […]



Une semaine formidable à Nantes ! Échange français, mai 2024 (A wonderful week in Nantes ! – French exchange, May 2024)   In the week before half term, a group of Year 9 students embarked on the return leg of their French exchange. Having hosted their exchange partners in Hertford earlier this year, they set off […]
